Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It has been way too long

One of the biggest and hardest parts of this year was when we had to say goodbye to our loyal and loving dog Jenna. She left us in July and we have missed her since. Poor Kendall still has moments (as do Robbie and I) where she will get sad and cry a little, but mostly we are at the stage where it is fun to remember the good things about Jenna. "Jenna, you asked so little and gave so much, you are forever in our hearts"

Hello everyone.
I have waited way too long to update my blog and now will probably inundate you all with the last year of pictures :)

1 comment:

Fisher Family said...

Holy smokes - your kids are such little replicas of both you and Robbie. It's amazing!! I can not believe how old Canyon is looking. Keep up with the updates - please!!