Friday, September 12, 2008

These are pics from the ocean, we took my brother to see it for the first time. I will post more later.

Okay so it has been awhile since I posted, so here goes.
We are all doing well, we are trying to get some work done on the basement. We are putting in a bathroom and our bedroom will be downstairs. I am so excited for the final product but progress has been sooooo slow.
Canyon is walking now and has 2.5 teath. he is still taking 2 naps a day and can now sign a variety of words. Milk, all done, and a couple more that i didn't teach him but he thinks I should know. HEHEHE
Kendall has gotten so tall lately, she is getting tall but not heavier wich puts here even lower on the "curve". they are getting along pretty well, Kendall has been waking up lately and has just recently started sleeping through the night again - thank goodness!! Canyon is doing great on the sleeping also, he no longer needs to nurse at night, although sometimes he does once. He will wake up 1 or 2 times at night but most of the time goes right back to sleep.
Well the next post will include a lot of pictures so I hope everyone enjoys them.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Okay, So it has been a super long time since i posted. So here goes this post will mostly be a catch up of pictures so stay with me and I will try and stay caught up.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

New and Old

Canyon standing and Moving (his pjs are way too big)
Kendall likes trying to make Canyon laugh

Couple of things,

I forgot to post that Canyon is now signing Milk, this started around 5.5 months. It is hard to get a picture of this but I will keep trying.

Also Canyon is now able to pull himself to a standing position and take a wobbly couple of steps. Freaky, I am not ready for everything all at once but it keeps coming.

Well I hope all is well with everyone and I will continue to post as I find the "time" hehe.

Take care