Monday, September 2, 2013

holy pickles batman! has it really been 2 years since my last post?

Mostly I wanted to do another post because it is fun to look back and see all the pictures from previous years. The other reason is because I like to mess with my friends who will probably freak when they see I actually did something on here.
These pictures are from this summer 2013
 Grandpa and Canyon after a long day at the beach this summer
 Kendall loving some cookie!
 Amy and I at the Beach
 Our kids....Mostly, Canyon really wanted to go play and Kendall could hardly be bothered to look at the camera
 Canyon Loves Grandma Lynn's treadmill
 Our Friends Trish and Todd took us and the kids to Bumbers in Spokand. The kids had a blast.

 My attempt at braiding my hair in the car.
We had to get some pics in this huge sunflower garden. Here robbie tried to get the kids to "jump" on cue.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, September 24, 2010

Okay this is embarrasing - a professional photographer who doesn't know how to rotate an image in blogger and is too lazy to do it right now. Anyway, these images were taken in August when Kendall visited Grandma Lin and Grandpa Al. It is so strange to see her taking swimming lessons at the pool I used to teach at. She really loved the Horse.

These pictures were taken in July while Kendall was visiting Grammy and Gramps (robbie's Parent) His baby sitter took him to a friends pool. He had so much fun.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

These pictures were taken in the studio at the beginning of February or May - the kids love to show off for me and make goofy faces. I just wish I could get them all dressed up and do nice photo's. You can't tell but Canyon is only in a t-shirt and underwear and under the apron Kendall is wearing her P.J.'s

It has been way too long

One of the biggest and hardest parts of this year was when we had to say goodbye to our loyal and loving dog Jenna. She left us in July and we have missed her since. Poor Kendall still has moments (as do Robbie and I) where she will get sad and cry a little, but mostly we are at the stage where it is fun to remember the good things about Jenna. "Jenna, you asked so little and gave so much, you are forever in our hearts"

Hello everyone.
I have waited way too long to update my blog and now will probably inundate you all with the last year of pictures :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Here are some photo's from mothers day
I forgot my camera so these are all taken with
my phone. We went to a local park and had a really good time
the toys were big enough for me and Robbie to play right
along with the kids.
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